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Human Resources Best Practices Survey Report

Editorial Team
Last Updated: 11-08-2021 3:17 PM


The H.R Best Practices Survey is conducted to understand the best practices of organisations in terms of the basic H.R functions. It is also conducted to understand measures that should be taken while implementing H.R practices. Employees including H.R managers are asked questions related to their employment and the general economic environment. Data for this survey was collected from July to August 2014.
This report contributes to Industrial Psychology Consultants goal to help leaders understand the forces transforming the local and global economy, improve company performance, and work for better national policies. The report is in-line with our mission of maximizing returns on human capital. As with all Industrial Psychology Consultants research, this work is independent and has neither been commissioned nor sponsored in any way by any business, government, or other institution.

Literature Review

The role of Human Resources is changing as fast as technology and the global marketplace. Historically, the HR Department was viewed as administrative overhead. HR processed payroll, handled benefits administration, kept personnel files, and other records, managed the hiring process, and provided other administrative support to the business. Those times have changed. The positive result of these changes is that HR professionals have the opportunity to play a more strategic role in the business. The challenge for HR managers is to keep up to date with the latest HR innovations, technological, legal, and otherwise. There is a need to know about the current HR challenges, and how to most-effectively manage them in your workplace. This report discusses some best HR practices that we believe are critical in the success of Zimbabwean companies.

Research Methodology

A questionnaire with 62 questions was uploaded on Survey Monkey. A total of 57 H.R employees responded to this survey. H.R best practices include dimensions like Performance Management, Performance Related Pay, Industrial Relations, Reward Systems, Recruitment and Selection, Training, Induction, Employee Engagement, Succession Planning, Human Resources Impact and Human Resources Technology.
All sample surveys and polls, whether or not they use probability sampling, are subject to multiple sources of error which are almost often not possible to quantify or estimate. Amongst them error associated with non-response, sampling error and error associated with question wording. Industrial  Psychology  Consultants  (Pvt)  Ltd  therefore  avoids  the  words  ‘margin  of error’ as they are misleading. All that can be calculated are different possible sampling errors with different probabilities for pure, un-weighted, random samples  with  100% response rates. These are only theoretical because no published polls have come close to this ideal. Respondents of the Employee Confidence Survey were selected from those that agreed to participate in the survey.

Participants Profile

Human resources professionals from the participating organisations completed this survey. A total of 58 organisations participated in the survey. These were distributed as follows by sector.
Construction and Real Estate 1.9%
Manufacturing 18.5%
Mining 5.6%
Public Service and local government 7.4%
Education 3.7%
Financial Services 14.8%
Non-Governmental Organisations 5.6%
Automotive 3.7%
Agro-processing and agriculture 5.6%
Retail 0.0%
Petro-chemicals 1.9%
Engineering 3.7%
IT and Telecommunications 1.9%
Tourism and Hospitality 0.0%
Media, Marketing and Advertising 1.9%
Law and Legal Services 1.9%
Transport and Logistics 9.3%
Medicine and pharmaceuticals 1.9%
Product distribution 1.9%
Professional Services 0.0%
Other 9.3%
Other (please specify) 11

Reliability of the Questionnaire

Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
.952 11
Dimension Cronbach’s Alpha
Performance Management 0.944
Performance Related 0.949
Industrial Relations 0.949
Reward Systems 0.940
Recruitment and Selection 0.940
Training 0.942
Induction 0.956
Employee Engagement 0.950
Succession Planning 0.950
Human Resources 0.944
Human Resources Technology 0.956


Performance Management

36.96% of the participants said that they have high level of practice with regards to well-developed comprehensive system for measuring and tracking organisational performance. 10.87% of the participants said that they have extremely high level of practice, comparable to international standards. 17.39% of the participants said that they have basic level of this practice is evident. 4.35% of the participants said that they have no evidence of a well-developed comprehensive system for measuring and tracking organisational performance.
36.96% of the participants said that they have a high level of this practice with regards to well-structured system to measure individual employee performance. 13.04% of the participants said that they have extremely high level of practice, comparable to international standards. 13.04% of the participants said that they have a basic level of this practice is evident. 6.52% of the participants said that there is no evidence of a well-structured system to measure individual employee performance.
43.48% of the participants said they have a moderately level of practice that performance follow up plans are clear, effective and all aspects are followed up to ensure continuous improvement. 30.43% of the participants said that they have high level of this practice. 6.52% of the participants said they have extremely high level of this practice is evident. 13% said they have a basic level of practice. 6.52% of the participants said that there is no evidence that performance follow up plans are clear, effective and all aspects are followed up to ensure continuous improvement.
39.13% of the participants said they have a high level of practice that the organisation has documented evidence of clear guidelines and polices on performance management and assessment which are continuously being implemented, and communicated to all staff. 15.32% said they have a basic level of this practice and 15.22% of the participants said they have extremely high level of this practice. 6.52% said there is no evidence of this practice that the organisation has documented evidence of clear guidelines and polices on performance management and assessment which are continuously being implemented, and communicated to all staff.
24.44% of the participants said they have high level with regard to the organisation’s wide performance is formally communicated every month to all employees in a way understood by majority of employees.35.56% of the participants said they have a moderate level of this practice, 24.44% of the participants said they have a basic level of this practice and 6.67% said they have extremely level of this practice.8.89% of the participants said there is no evidence with regard to the organisation’s wide performance is formally communicated every month to all employees in a way understood by majority of employees.
32.61% of the participants said that there is no evidence with regarding to all senior managers and executives are on performance contracts. 23.91% of the participants said they have a basic level of this practice and 17.39% of the participants said they have a moderate level of this practice.17.39% have extremely level of this practice. 8.70% of the participants said they have high level of practice that all senior managers and executives are on performance contracts.
30.43% of the participants said that they have  high level of practice for documented evidence that Performance appraisals or reviews are done at least twice a year, with staff being given ample to prepare. 19.57% said they have extremely high level of this practice, 19.57% of the participants said they have a moderate level of this practice, 17.39% of the participants said they have basic level of this practice and 13.04% of the participants said that there is no evidence of documented evidence that Performance appraisals or reviews are done at least twice a year, with staff being given ample to prepare.

Performance Related Pay

15.22% of the participants said they have high level of practice that organisation strives to outperform its competitors by providing ambitious stretch targets with clearly visible performance related pay.15.22% of the participants said they have extremely high level of this practice, 30.43% said they have moderate level of practice, 17.39% said they have a basic level of practice. 21.74% of the participants have no evidence that the organisation strives to outperform its competitors by providing ambitious stretch targets with clearly visible performance related pay.
31.11% of the participants said they have basic level that document evidence exist that all promotions are based on performance. 22.22% of the participants said they have high level of practice, 24.44% said they have moderate level of practice and 8.89% said they have extremely high level of practice. 13.33% of the participants said there is no evidence that document evidence exist that all promotions are based on performance.
28.89% of the participants said there is no evidence of practice that rewards are linked to financial and all non-financial results. 24.44% of the participants said they have a moderate level of practice, 20% said they have high level of practice, 13.33% said they have extremely high level of this practice. 13.33% of the participants said they have basic level of practice that rewards are linked to financial and all non-financial results.

Industrial Relations

35.56% of the participants said they have high level of practice that our organisation has a fully functional workers’ committee which regularly meet in line with the constitution as evidenced by minutes from several meetings.24.44% of the participants said they have moderate level of practice, 22.22% said they have extremely high level of this practice, and 15.56% said there is no evidence of this practice. 2.22% basically agreed that our organisation has a fully functional workers’ committee which regularly meet in line with the constitution as evidenced by minutes from several meetings.
31.11% of the participants said they have high level of this practice that our organisation has a workers’ committee constitution which is applied in practice.22.22% said they have a moderate level of practice, 17.78% of the participants said they have extremely high level of practice, and 15.56% said there is no evidence of this practice. 13.33% of the participants said they have basic level of practice that our organisation has a workers’ committee constitution which is applied in practice.
37.78% of the participants said they have high level of practice that our organisation has a fully function works’ council which has a balanced membership.26.67% said they have extremely high level of this practice, 17.78% said they have a moderate level of practice, 11.11% said that there is no evidence of this practice. 6.67% of the participants have basic level of practice that our organisation has a fully function works’ council which has a balanced membership.
37.78% of the participants said they have high level of practice that there is evidence that resolutions of workers’ council are implemented.15.56% said they have extremely high level of practice, 20% of the participants said they have moderate level of practice, and  20% said that there is no evidence of this practice. 6.67% said they have a basic level of practice that there is evidence that resolutions of workers’ council are implemented.
47.73% of the participants said they have high level of practice that there is evidence that our organisation has clear set of policies and procedures for termination of employment, know and understood by all employees.25% said they have extremely high level of practice, 18% said they have a moderate level of practice, 0% said that there is no evidence of this practice, and 9.09% are on basic level of practice that there is evidence that our organisation has clear set of policies and procedures for termination of employment, know and understood by all employees.
26.67% of the participants said they have high level of practice that the organisation has a registered code of conduct with clear disciplinary proceedings, having a stamp from the Ministry of Labour, and known by all staff.28.89% said they have extremely high level of practice, 17.76% said they have a moderate level of practice, 20% said that there is no evidence of tis practice, and 6.67% of the participants said they have a basic level of practice that the organisation has a registered code of conduct with clear disciplinary proceedings, having a stamp from the Ministry of Labour, and known by all staff.
41.86% of the participants said they have high level of practice that the code has clear and fair structure in place which facilities smooth settlement of grievances, disputes and complaints.23.26% said they have extremely high level of practice, 20.93% said they have a moderate level of practice, 6.98% said that there is no evidence of this practice, and 6.98% of the participants said they have basic level of practice that the code has clear and fair structure in place which facilities smooth settlement of grievances, disputes and complaints.
38.64% of the participants said they have a high level of practice that grievances are handled within the time stipulated in the policy.15.91% said they have extremely high level of practice, 20.45% of the participants said they have moderate level of practice, 4.55% said that there is no evidence of this practice, and 20.45% said they have a basic level of practice that grievances are handled within the time stipulated in the policy.
34.04% of the participants said they have high level of practice that all labour cases have been dealt with successfully internally.9.09% of the participants said they have extremely high level of practice, 34.04% said they have a moderate level of this practice, 13.64% said that there is no evidence of this practice, and 9.09% said they have basic level of practice that all labour cases have been dealt with successfully internally.

Rewards Systems

20.93% of the participants said they have high level of practice that our organisation has transparent and motivating reward systems in place to reward superior performance.11.63% said they have extremely high level of practice, 34.04% said they have moderate level of practice, 30.63% said that there is no evidence of this practice, and 13.95% said they have basic level of practice that our organisation has transparent and motivating reward systems in place to reward superior performance.
37.21% of the participants said they have high of this practice that the organisation has a well-designed pay structure which is understood by employees.11.63% said they have extremely high level of practice, 16.28% said they have a moderate level of practice, 11.63% said that there is no evidence of this practice, and 23.26% of the participants said they have basic level of practice, that the organisation has a well-designed pay structure which is understood by employees.
48.84% of the participants said they have high level of practice that the organisation has a clear and fully documented grading structure understood by employees .16.28% said they have extremely high level of practice, 18.60% said that they have a moderate level of this practice, 13.95% said that there is no evidence of this practice, and 2.33% basically agreed that the organisation has a clear and fully documented grading structure understood by employees.
34.88% of the participants said they have high level of practice, that the organisation periodically review salaries in line with its ability to pay and market trends.18.60% are on extremely high level, 20.93% said they have a moderate level of practice, 16.28% said that there is no evidence of this practice, and 9.30% of the participants said they have basic level of practice that the organisation periodically review salaries in line with its ability to pay and market trends.
42.86% of the participants said they have high level of practice, that overtime as a percentage of wage bill is very low and there are strategies to reduce overtime to the minimum.9.52% of the participants said they have extremely high level of this practice, 26.19% said they have a moderate level of the practice, 11.90% said that there is no evidence of this practice, and 9.52% basic level of practice, that overtime as a percentage of wage bill is very low and there are strategies to reduce overtime to the minimum.
27.91% of the participants said they have high level of the practice that their organisation is current on payment of salaries.48.84% said they have extremely high level of this practice, 16.28% said they have moderate level of this practice, 6.28% said that there is no evidence of this practice, and 0% of the participants said they have a basic level of practice that our organisation is current on payment of salaries.

Recruitment and Selection

40.48% of the participants said they have high level of practice that with regard to clear defined recruitment strategy for different candidates pools and its followed religiously.16.67% said they have extremely high level of practice, 30.95% said they have a moderate level of practice, 4.76% said that there is no evidence of this practice, and 7.14% basic level of practice with regard to clear defined recruitment strategy for different candidates pools and its followed religiously.
51.22% of the participants said they have high level of practice that their organisation has clear recruitment and selection policy and procedure which conforms to legal status which it follows at all times.24.39% said they have extremely high level of practice, 17.07% said they have a moderate level, 2.44% said that there is no evidence of this practice, and 4.88% said they have basic level of practice that their organisation has clear recruitment and selection policy and procedure which conforms to legal status which it follows at all times.
33.33% of the participants said they have high level of practice that their organisation uses other methods over and above the interview and have a structural system for utilizing the extra selection methods.19.04% said they have extremely high level of practice, 14.29% said they have a moderate level of practice, 16.67% said that there is no evidence for this practice, and 16.67% of the participants said they have a basic level of practice that their organisation uses other methods over and above the interview and have a structural system for utilizing the extra selection methods.
35.71% of the participants said they have high level of practice that their organisation conducts thorough and carefully documented background checks on all its employees before hiring.19.05% said they have extremely high level of practise, 30.95% are on moderate level, 2.38% said that there is no evidence, and 11.90% said they have a basic level of practice that their organisation conducts thorough and carefully documented background checks on all its employees before hiring.
30.95% of the participants said they have high level of practice, that internals are given opportunities to fill vacancies first, before they are advertised to outsiders.23.81% are on extremely high level, 33.33% are on moderate level, 7.14% said that there is no evidence of this practice, and 4.76% basic level of practice, that internals are given opportunities to fill vacancies first, before they are advertised to outsiders.
38.10% of the participants high level of practice with regard to all employees have formal and current contracts which are in line with labour statutes.47.62% said they have extremely high level of practice, 9.52% said they have moderate level of practice, 2.38% said that there is no evidence of this practice, and 2.38% said they have basic level of practice to all employees have formal and current contracts which are in line with labour statutes.


28.57% of the participants said they have high level of practice with regard to training policy exists and is consistently being applied.14.29% said they have extremely high level of practice, 30.95% said they have moderate level of practice, 9.52% said that there is no evidence of this practice, and 16.67% said they have a basic level of practice with regard to training policy exists and is consistently being applied.
11.90% of the participants said they have high level of practice with regard to learning and development activities are used for insights regarding strategy development and there is clear evidence of this link.7.14% said they have extremely high level of practice, 40.48% said they have a moderate level of practice, 14.29% said that there is no evidence of this practice, and 26.19% basic level of practice with regard to learning and development activities are used for insights regarding strategy development and there is clear evidence of this link.
24.39% of the participants said they have high level of practice with regard strategic goals are translated into required staff capabilities per job family and strategies put in place to bridge the gap.7.32% said they have extremely high level of practice, 36.59% said they have moderate level of practice, 21.95% said that there is no evidence of this practice, and 9.76% basic level with regard to strategic goals are translated into required staff capabilities per job family and strategies put in place to bridge the gap.
16.67% of the participants said they have high level of practice with regard to training needs are scientifically derived and there are plans to address them and there is a tracking mechanism to check success and failures in line with the training needs.2.38% said they have extremely high level of practice, 45.24% said they have moderate level of practice, 14.29% said that there is no evidence of this practice, and 21.43% said they have a basic level of practice with regard to training needs are scientifically derived and there are plans to address them and there is a tracking mechanism to check success and failures in line with the training needs.
7.14% of the participants said they have high level of practice with regard to the impact of training on the business department or individual performance chances is assessed and is documented.7.14% said they have extremely high level of practice, 35.71% said they have a moderate level of practice, 21.43% said that there is no evidence of this practice, and 28.57% said they have a basic level of practice with regard to the impact of training on the business department or individual performance chances is assessed and is documented.
14.29% of the participants said they have high level of practice with regard detailed individual development plans are available and regularly tracked for progress.7.14% said they have extremely high level of practice, 35.71% said they have moderate level of practice, 19.05% said that there is no evidence of this practice, and 23.81% basic level of practice with regard to detailed individual development plans are available and regularly tracked for progress.
19.05% of the participants said they have high level of practice with regard to detailed individual development plans are available and regularly tracked for progress.14.29% said they have extremely high level of practice, 21.43% said they have moderate level of practice, 16.67% said that there is no evidence for this practice, and 28.57% basic level of practice with regard to detailed individual development plans are available and regularly tracked for progress.


33.33% of the participants said they have high level of practice with regard to detailed individual development plans are available and regularly tracked for progress.40.48% said they have extremely high level of practice, 14.29% are on moderate level of practice, 2.38% said that there is no evidence of this practice, and 9.52% said they have basic level of practice with regard to detailed individual development plans are available and regularly tracked for progress.

Employee Engagement

19.51% of the participants said they have high level of practice with regard to employee engagement surveys are done and actions plans are develop and tracked for progress.9.76% said they have extremely high level of practice, 24.34% said they have moderate level of practice, 24.39% said that there is no evidence of this practice, and 21.95% basic level of practice with regard to employee engagement surveys are done and actions plans are develop and tracked for progress.
28.57% of the participants said they have high level of practice, that there is evidence that we invest significantly in developing our company culture.7.14% said that they extremely high level of practice, 21.43% said that they moderate level of practice, 11.90% said that there is no evidence of this practice, and 30.95% said that they have a basic level of practice, that there is evidence that we invest significantly in developing our company culture.

Succession Planning

9.52% of the participants said they have high level of practice with regard to succession policy is available and is clearly linked to the business and the policy is consistently applied and is based on business needs.7.14% said that they have extremely high level of practice, 35.71% said they have a moderate level of practice, 30.95% said that there is no evidence, and 16.67% basic level of practice with regard to succession policy is available and is clearly linked to the business and the policy is consistently applied and is based on business needs.
14.29% of the participants said they have high level of practice, that they strategically plan our talent and leadership needs on a long term (more than 5 years) basis, as well as by business unit and expertise.9.52% said that they extremely high level of practice, 26.19% said that they have moderate level, 26.19% said that there is no evidence of this practice, and 23.81% said they have a basic level of this practice, that they strategically plan our talent and leadership needs on a long term (more than 5 years) basis, as well as by business unit and expertise.

Human Resource Impact

36.59% of the participants said they have high level of practice with regards to that their H.R business partners are accepted by the business as strategic partners for all people related issues.9.76% said they have extremely high level, 29.27% said they have moderate level of practice, 9.76% said that there is no evidence of this practice, and 14.63%said that they have a basic level with regard to that their H.R business partners are accepted by the business as strategic partners for all people related issues.
42.50% of the participants said that they have high level of practice with regards to that their top H.R representatives is a member of the company’s top highest management committee.25% said that they have extremely high level of practice, 12.50% said that they have a moderate level of practice, 5% said that there is no evidence of this practice, and 15% basic level of practice with regards to that their top H.R representatives is a member of the company’s top highest management committee.
31.71% of the participants said that they have high level of practice, in that they have a manpower budget linked to the business strategy.14.63% said that they have an extremely high level, 24.38% said that they have moderate level of practice, 14.63% said that there is no evidence of this practice, and 14.63% basic level of practice, in that they have a manpower budget linked to the business strategy.
31.71% of the participants said that they have high level of practice, in that they measure the value added to the business by human capital.9.76% said they have extremely high level of practice, 24.39% said that they have moderate level of practice, 21.95% said that there is no evidence of this practice, and 12.20% said they have basic level of practice, in that they measure the value added to the business by human capital.

Human Resources Technology

16.67% of the participants said they have high level of practice with regards to their H.R system are driven by new technology in all key areas in support of the business.9.52% said they have extremely high level of practice, 38.10% said they have moderate level of this practice, 11.90% said that there is no evidence of this practice, and 23.81% basic level of practice with regard to their H.R system are driven by new technology in all key areas in support of the business.
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Editorial Team

This article was written by one of the consultants at IPC

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